FOGSI Basic Infertility Training
7 Day Fees – 17700
Day 1:
Live Training: Semen Analysis, Sperm Morphological evaluation
Day 2:
Live Training: Follicular monitoring – Attending & observing folliculometry scans
Day 3:
Live Training: Semen preparation by swim up technique
Day 4:
Live Training: Semen preparation by Density gradient technique
Day 5:
Live Training: IUI: How to Perform?
Day 6:
Live Training: Semen freezing
Day 7:
Practice Sessions: Semen Analysis & Preparation
FOGSI Advanced Infertility Training
14 Days Fees - 29500
Day 1:
Live Training: Semen Analysis, Sperm Morphological evaluation
Day 2:
Live Training: Follicular monitoring – Attending & observing folliculometry scans
Day 3:
Live Training: Semen preparation by swim up technique
Day 4:
Live Training: Semen preparation by Density gradient technique
Day 5:
Live Training: IUI: How to perform?
Day 6:
Live Training: Semen Freezing
Day 7:
Practice Sessions: Semen Analysis & Preparation
Day 8:
Live Training: Oocyte Retrieval
Day 9:
Live Training: Hunting & Denudation of Oocytes
Day 10:
Live Training: ICSI, Conventional IVF
Day 11:
Live Training: Embryo Culture, Laser Assisted Hatching
Day 12:
Live Training: Embryo Vitrification & Thawing
Day 13:
Live Training: Embryo Transfer, Loading of Embryos
Day 14:
Live Training: Sperm DNA Fragmentation
FOGSI Infertility Training IUI Workshop
3 Hours Fees - 3540
Day 1:
Day 2: