
For online/video consultation with our doctor.

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First visit to Hospital

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  • First visit to Hospital


To Fix an Appointment, you can contact us on following phone numbers or you can walk in to our Hospital Monday – Saturday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM


email us at : [email protected]
You shall receive a confirmation within 24 hours of your email


Mobile : 9978078044

  • Go through the website and gain knowledge about Endoscopy, IUI, Fertility, Infertility & IVF Treatment etc
  • You can send your all medical reports and your history on our email to the respective doctor.
  • We thoroughly study your reports and give you professional expert opinion regarding your problem. We also guide you to achieve pregnancy as early as possible.

If you are an outsider, NRI or foreigner wishing to go ahead with us for your fertility treatment, you can mail us about your infertility history and other details by filling up the form given in this site. Then further correspondence can be done by email. Once it is decided for IVF/ICSI treatment, in order to cut down your stay in India, primary medications can be started at your place and the maximum you need to stay for the treatment will be approximately 10-12 days.