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Embryology Training

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Embryologist perspective

Successful IVF treatment is judged based on the positive outcome post embryo transfer, yet there are various IVF laboratory parameters which define the success of IVF lab as well as the skills of an embryologist. Human gametes are very sensitive and hence require delicate handling by embryologists. Embryologists require sufficient practical exposure and training before being able to handle the cases independently. The right training place and an efficient trainer provides a great head start to a desired career as a successful embryologist.

Course highlights the extensive demonstrations, practical exposure and intensive interactions.

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Course Curriculum Intended Duration
IVF Lab Orientation Introduction to all IVF lab procedures. This includes: Andrology procedures, Embryology procedures like Ovum Pick up, denudation, ICSI, Vitrification and Thawing, Embryo MSC/MCE Fresher’s, clinicians who want to know basics of IVF lab (MD,MS,DGO,MCH) 5 days
Basic Embryology Introduction and hands on to all IVF lab procedures. This includes: Andrology procedures, Embryology procedures like Ovum Pick up, denudation, ICSI, Vitrification and Thawing, Embryo transfer, Embryo grading and media setup MSC/MCE Fresher’s, clinicians who want to know basics of IVF lab (MD,MS,DGO,MCH) 18 days
Advanced Embryology training Practical hands-on intensive training includes: Andrology procedures, Embryology procedures like Ovum Pick up, denudation, ICSI, Vitrification and Thawing, Embryo transfer, Embryo grading, media setup, TESA/ PESA processing, Laser Assisted Hatching, trouble shooting in IVF lab. Also learn Lab quality checks, maintenance of instruments, Cryo Inventory management, Data management and data analysis. Embryologist (Minimum Qualification Msc) 45 days
D3/D5 embryo biopsy Practical hands-on training for Blastomere and Trophectoderm biopsy Embryologist with 3 years practical experience 5 days

Dr.Deven Patel (Chief Embryologist)

  • M.V. SC (Physiology) from national university- Indian Veterinary Research Institute.
  • Master’s Degree in ‘Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction and Embryology’ from IVI Foundation, Valencia, Spain.
  • Working in Human ART Since 2007 and in Bovine ART since 2002.
  • Previously worked as Regional Manager (embryology) in a well know Fertility chain. The role included:
    • Process audit
    • Training/personnel audit
    • Instruments/AMC audit
    • Results/outcome audit and analysis
  • Trained more than 100 international and national trainees in Human and Bovine ART. Having vast experience of training freshers and also helped senior level embryologists to fine-tune their skills.
  • Awarded ‘Hall of Fame (Embryologist)’ for the west zone by ET Healthcare Awards, 2019.
  • Published Various papers and chapters as author/ co-author.
  • Done various invited oral and poster presentations in a number of national conferences and webinars.
Dr. Deven Patel has mentored a number of embryologists to achieve their dream of a successful career. Embryologists have learned ethical working, delicate handling of gametes, fine-tuned ICSI skills, biopsy training, and laboratory management under the able guidance of our proclaimed trainer.

Why Sunflower ???

An Opportunity for “Hands-on Training”

Although the technical skill of the embryologist is critical, the embryologist’s contribution to quality is equally conveyed through knowledge of reproductive biology, keen observation and judgment, astute decision-making, the ‘grit’ to work under pressure and time constraints, and a sense of mission in the provision and continual development of a safe and effective laboratory. The embryologist assumes unique responsibilities counterbalanced by the unique rewards of assisting patients in having a family.

Career as an Embryologist


Also, research organizations provide opportunities for bright embryologists with innovative ideas to work as scientists.

As the demand for embryologists in the country is growing rapidly, numerous educational institutions are coming up with the embryologist with good qualifications to work as faculties.


  • To divulge a comprehensive overview of all aspects of the ART laboratory, including the set-up and running of the lab, specific procedures, and quality control to ensure the highest possible success rates in an IVF program.
  • To provide each apprentice an opportunity to have a complete learning experience and to observe various treatment procedures in ART.
  • Faculty will work one-on-one with trainees throughout the course, providing a total overview and continuous assessment.
  • Targeted at the beginner as well as experienced embryologist, the course aims to refresh his or her skills further in the field of ART.

Training Place

Embryology Lab,
Sunflower Infertility & IVF Center, Memnager , Near Manav Mandir, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Mode Of Payment:

Credit Card/ Bank Transfer

Terms & Conditions:

Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Please note:

Fees to be paid in advance for first come first serve basis selection.


In case of any query, you can call or WhatsApp

Malkesha Modi :

+91 99780 78044

HR Assistance & TPA Coordinator